Ingredients in CH

Most of what I cook originates from British or American cooks, adapted to a lesser or greater extent by me. As I live in Switzerland, some ingredients differ from those required by the original recipe, or are simply not available. The below gives what I have found to be equivalents or reasonable substitutions readily available in my local supermarkets, plus some notes on sourcing of others. 

Swiss supermarket equivalents / substitutions 

Sugars and sweetners: 
Granulated sugar: Feinkristallzucker 
Caster sugar: Feinster Zucker 
Demerara sugar: Rohzucker, grob gemahlen 
Golden syrup (see sourcing below): maple syrup (slightly thinner and less sticking power, gives a crisper more frangible result in eg biscuits); corn syrup (I have never actually tried this, but standard suggestion from US blogs) 

Self raising flour: 150g Backmehl or Weissmehl plus 2tsp (10ml) baking powder 

Sourcing notes (Zürich-biased) 

Many British baking products (including sugars) available from 

Golden syrup: overpriced but available (sometimes) in Jelmoli or Orell Füssli on Bahnhofstrasse

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